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World Series of Poker Cashes by Player ID

World Series of Poker Cashes πŸƒπŸ’°

Explore World Series of Poker cashes by player ID.

R Shiny Notes

Shiny App Demo:

R Shiny is an R framework for building web applications. One of the best practices in R Shiny development is to use modules, which help streamline your ui and server files. The benefits of using modules include:

Modules Example

To see an example of this structure, review the following files in a basic web scraping project for Poker Cashes across WSOP Circuits:

JavaScript Example

There is a simple snowstorm.js in the www directory that is then enabled in modules/wsop_ui.R with tags$head(tags$script(src = "snowstorm.js")) that adds a snowfall effect to the page via JavaScript.

To further interact with JS from R Shiny, shinyjs can be used to do an action like

observeEvent(input$stop_btn, {
    updateActionButton(session, "stop_btn", label = "Stopped SnowStorm Javascript")

DockerHub Image

You can pull the Docker image for this project from DockerHub:

R Shiny Image

Docker Image

Streamlit Image

Docker Image

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